Unit Registry Enquiries

Warning about investment scams misrepresenting Magellan

Investment scams happen when scammers try to trick people into investing money or making a financial transaction. One way in which this is done is by advertising a fake investment opportunity. To appear legitimate, fraudulent parties may use a fund manager’s brand and content across fake websites, documents or apps that look professional with legitimate business details of the organisation to mislead individuals.

An example of such scams is an advertisement on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, where people are invited to register for access to investment information, download apps or join chat groups (e.g. WhatsApp) by persons falsely claiming to be Magellan employees or representatives. These messages are not from Magellan and Magellan is not in any way connected to or affiliated with these groups.

Magellan does not provide personal investment advice or recommendations regarding any investment product or securities via any social media platform. Any communications we conduct over social media platforms is limited to information made available on our LinkedIn page. We urge anyone receiving an invitation to join these online groups to avoid responding and to report the scam to the applicable social media provider.

It’s important that you are always certain of the identity of any person you are communicating with before engaging with them or providing them with any personal or financial information. If you are unsure whether a communication relating to Magellan is genuine or not, please contact us directly using the contact information on this website.

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